Skin is made by Mitsuno Hanna
Basecode by Pika
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Happy Birthday !
Posted on Monday, February 27, 2012 @ 12:02 AM < 0 jagiya >
hello guys ! hehe . whats up ? i hope you all sihat . ;) .
today is my friend @ cousin birthday . hoho . awal betul kan birthday dia . sweet seventeen dah ! .
hoho . deeja je lambat lahir . bulan 12 baru keluar . jadi , di kesempatan ini deeja ingin wish untuk dia ~
" kina , saengil chukahae chingu ! may ALLAH bless you . amin . and moga hidup awak dimurahkan rezeki and hwaiting fer SPM . ! "
kalau birthday tak ada hadiah tak syiok lah kann ? so , i bought a present for you . its just a cheap one but ikhlas dari hati ini . haha . gituhh kau ~ nak tahu lebih lanjut tentang present tuh ? jum baca sini :

  firstly , sebab it just an adorable item .
 ♥  it also absolutely cute [ for me , i dont know about others]

korang curious tak nak tahu rupa dia ? haha . jom tengok jom ! 


what do you think ?
ok tak ?

haha . i hope she likes it . comel tak ? komen lahh ~~~~~